Navigating the future: 2024 IT-trends and predictions

Navigating the future: 2024 IT-trends and predictions 2024 is just around the corner and as we step into the evolving cyber landscape of the new year, the world of information technology is positioned for new transformations. Technological advancements are accelerating at unprecedented pace, reshaping the way businesses operate, individuals connect, and society’s function. Let’s jump […]
Zero Trust – a key pillar in cybersecurity

Zero Trust A key pillar in cybersecurity In an era where technology is the backbone of our daily lives, cybersecurity has become more important than ever. The rise of hybrid and remote work, cloud computing, and IoT has expanded the attack surface for malicious activity. To fight these rising challenges, the concept of Zero Trust […]
Understanding the NIS2 Directive

Understanding the NIS2 Directive Strengthening cyber-security in the digital age The NIS… What? The new term has sparked confusion and questions, but don’t worry, we’ll guide you through the directive, what it means, what to expect, and so much more. In today’s interconnected world, cybersecurity is of paramount importance. As our reliance on digital technologies […]

Here we go again… Why do you need a backup? We cannot stress this enough – YES, your organization needs a backup. Then you might wonder ‘’but why is that?’’. We’ll tell you. Let’s start by going back to basics. A backup or data backup is a copy of computer data taken and stored elsewhere […]
IT-strategy – do you really need one?

IT-strategy… Do you really need one? The short answer is – yes! We live in a world where cyber threats are many and the reality for 83% of companies is not if a data breach occurs, but when. Usually, the accident even happens more than once for companies. Unauthorized access is the leading cause of […]
Immutability – the word on everyone’s lips

Immutability – the words on everyone’s lips Ah, Immutability… the buzzword in the data management world, a word on everyone’s lips. But do you know what it is and what it covers? Let’s start with an analogy: Immutable can be described as a permanent marker. You can write anything you need on a whiteboard, […]
How to prevent phishing and whaling happening to you

How to prevent phishing and whaling happening to you Cyber threats continue to be on the rise and incidents of whaling and phishing has in particular had an increase in the past years. Hackers create sophisticated attacks where they exploit vulnerabilities to acquire classified information, company funds or the like leaving companies with data- and […]
The password game – how to create a strong password

The password game: How to create a strong password We’ve all been there. Creating a strong password. We need them for work purposes, credit cards, social media accounts and several other things. Many continue to struggle with creating strong passwords, despite their prevalence and significance. At Anycloud, we love working with IT and IT security. […]
Protect your business from ransomware

Protect your business from ransomware You’ve without a doubt heard the term: ransomware. But what does it actually cover? And how do you avoid the next ransomware attack? Ransomware is a virus that is downloaded from email attachments, advertisements, malicious websites, or unsecured Wi-Fi networks. Ransomware encrypts your files so that you cannot access the […]
10 facts you probably didn’t know about Anycloud

10 facts you probably didn’t know about Anycloud The tech-industry is often subject for many speculations and stereotyping. However, we like to do things a little different at Anycloud. This shows in different aspects of the company including our innovative product portfolio, the way we work and embrace the social culture including every employee, and […]